Re: Meeting minutes (January 16th)


Sorry, I couldn't attend the meeting. A few comments below:

2011/1/16 Vincent Untz <vuntz gnome org>:
> =======
> New actions:
>  + talk to marketing team about featured apps

Could you elaborate a bit here? I could probably take this one.

> Attendance of GNOME.Asia conference
> ===================================
>  + there's an opportunity to do a hackfest at GNOME.Asia
>  + two potential dates: the week before 3.0.0 or the week of 3.0.0
>  + most useful option would possibly be to have marketing + r-t people
>   the week before, to do some heavy testing and to answer questions
>   from marketing team
>  + andre, fredp and vuntz could potentially go

What are the exact dates here? Depending on the duration and dates I
might be able to attend.


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