Re: GNOME 3.0 Hackfest + 1 day conference (in Asia)

Hi Fred,

Am Mittwoch, den 08.12.2010, 10:55 +0800 schrieb Frederic Muller:
> combine the GNOME 3.0 launch with the 4th edition of GNOME.Asia by
> having a 3-days hackfest around the release date.

> The idea is to get all the work that needs to be done by each team 
> (release, doc, marketing) finalized before or during the release by 
> getting everybody in the same place, assuming there is a benefit of 
> doing so.

What do you think would be the concrete benefit? The benefit that you
want to create highly influences the actual date that fits best.

> So looking at when would be the 
> best time for each team to come together?
> The 4th day

What is the "4th day"?

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