Re: Fix java-gnome version

Hi Andrew,

Apologies for the late reply, I got too much mail and forgot this one.

Le mardi 04 mars 2008, à 09:33 +0000, Andrew Cowie a écrit :
> On Fri, 2008-02-29 at 12:07 +0100, Vincent Untz wrote:
> > The reason I'm worried is that I don't know if API will be broken between
> > 4.0.x and 4.2.x.
> Oh, I imagine it will; that's the whole point: it's scheduled as an API
> break. It's been part of the plan since 2006, to allow us to clean up
> anything that needs cleaning up. We have, after all come a long way, and
> one is bound to make mistakes along the way.
> As for _when_ that release will occur, who knows? This year? Next? I'm
> in no rush. And while it is entirely possible that we won't even need to
> do so, we put it on the schedule and let everyone know about it so that
> there would be no surprises when the time comes.
> Once we do that one, I can't imagine what would possibly ever result in
> another API break after that. Perhaps something in "GTK 3", but I doubt
> it given the way that that is leaning. So we'll probably be on 4.2.x for
> a long long time once we call it.

Good to hear this.

> As a technical matter, I should probably note that Java ABI stability is
> somewhat less technically demanding than C ABI stability, but that's a
> discussion for another day.

Well, at this point, we're not talking about ABI, but simply API :-)

I don't know if you're aware of the rules for the official bindings:
To me, it sounds like you're not following the rule about the API. I
might be mistaken, though.

> Really, though, none of this speculation about the future release
> numbering is really that relevant.

Sorry, I don't understand: we're not talking about release numbering,
are we?

> The problem is that the release team
> is listing the wrong version of the Java bindings for GNOME. That's
> really not very supportive of you, and doesn't make GNOME look very
> good. I'd appreciate it if we could get on with this and fix it as Olav
> already was prepared to execute on.

I'd love to hear what other release team members think about all this.


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