Re: Issuing a press release about GNOME 3

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 10:22:31AM -0700, Luis Villa wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 9:55 AM, Dave Neary <bolsh gnome org> wrote:
> > So, Luis, I think you were being a little harsh - GNOME's been lethargic
> > for so long, you're expecting to see us sprinting, when we're still at
> > the stage of learning to walk again.
> I'm expecting us to walk and *then* talk about walking, instead of
> announcing a marathon while we're still toddling and have no idea
> where the course is. I think this is part of what burns me- announcing
> it when there was no buy-in and no plan was a terrible idea; doing a
> press release about it would only cement that further.

It was NOT an announcement! It was a proposal. It clearly said so on the
first slide. We do have a plan, it is just that you do not like it.


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