guadec r-t meeting 2008/07/07

GNOME Release Team Meeting

1) New Module proposals

== conduit

- Python only UI is rough, lots of complaints
- do we need the UI at all if it's a dbus background thing?
+ C bindings for API exist
- accessibility issues according to d-d-l
- maybe it should not be an application on its own, but functionality within several applications

== empathy

+ We do want to have the Telepathy stack in. It is the right way.
+ Passwords now securely stored in gnome-keyring
- Still license issues, no changes since proposal for 2.22. Seems there hasn't been direct talk to sort this out.
- Does not make sense to keep in Desktop forever because of license problems
- Can't register a new account on Jabber servers (#462880) - Definitely not a blocker, but maybe provide URLs for the most important services, and integrate with about-me capplet?
+ patch for sending files available (according to vuntz)
- Basic UI (e.g. no blinking icon if messages sent - might confuse average users)

== hamster
+ nice time management
+ get it in applets? quite small
- should move to gnome infrastructure soon!
+ developer is quite active, lots of releases
- what's the state of accessibility?

2) Ext Deps

== WebKit

- most essential issues: accessibility! ask  Alp/chpe/willi

== clutter

+ in general we want this it seems
- ask ebassi about a11y
- optional dependency?

== policykit
- API stability?
- accessibility issues in policykit-gnome: dialog running as root, keyboard grabs

== libgda

- needs more apps
- v4 was proposed, don't expect API to be stable that quickly (from experience), though v3 API is good

3) gdm
followup to XPPM (?) and multi-screen issues - Vuntz send an email already

4) The future of GNOME
say that 2.30 will be 3.0
schedule fits well with gtk3 plans
discuss with people about it
note that it's a PROPOSAL - don't call it a revolution
show and compare 2.0, 2.10, 2.20 so people understand
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