Re: libnotify, notification-daemon and gnome desktop modules

On 1/30/06, Christian Hammond <chipx86 chipx86 com> wrote:
> It's being used by more and more programs. xchat-gnome is a good
> example. It should be okay as a dependency (though I'm biased ;).

Okay, let's bring it up on d-d-l suggesting that and see if there are
any objections, brutally beating down any opposition where necessary. 
Oh, um, except maybe for that last part.  I don't really expect people
to be opposed though.  Anyway, John, do you want to handle bringing it
up there?

> I know that there are counter-arguments to most of these, and I know
> that there's a strong push to move this into GNOME CVS. My opinions in
> this matter are unpopular, but things are set up how I like them now,
> and I know they wouldn't be set up this way if the project moved. At
> some point in the future, I may reconsider this, but not until GNOME
> moves to use Subversion (if that ever does happen).

Well, the GEP that defines the requirements for inclusion in Gnome
( states that "If the app
isn't in GNOME CVS, there had better be a damn good reason".  Sounds
like you have one.  :)

> So, all that being said, I would like to work with you guys on the
> tarballs and to simplify everyone's lives. But that includes mine :)

Yeah, gstreamer is somewhat similar.  If you could just run
install-module on the server to get the tarballs installed, much like
gstreamer does, that'd be great.

Alternatively, we could just call libnotify and notification-daemon an
officially blessed external dependency (like we do for e.g. cairo), if
that seems to make more sense.


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