Re: ekiga 1.99.0

Le lundi 16 janvier 2006 à 16:36 -0700, Elijah Newren a écrit :
> That warning is there because someone is going to accidentally run
> install-module on the wrong tarball some day or make some typo mistake
> or something getting a 'metactiy' tarball instead of 'metacity', or
> something like that.  Since it really is what you want to do though,
> go ahead and install it.

OK, it is running.

> Why the change of version number, though?  Not that it matters, I'm
> just curious...

1.99.0 is the BETA1 of 2.00, if you wonder. I just didn't know how to
make it 2.00-BETA1 without too many problems, and as we are during the
night, I chose the easy way.

If you wonder why 2.00, well, just because there are so many new
features since 1.2, that I think it deserves a 2.00, even if it is not
based on a very well tested library (we have already approx 200 "ALPHA"
testers who do not complain too much though).

> > Also, who can I *directly* contact to create aliases for
> > CVS/bugzilla/the mailing lists?
> I don't know how aliasing work, only that it doesn't for bugzilla. 
> But for CVS & mailing lists, the contact would be support g o   For
> bugzilla, you could just file a bug against the

Will do.

> module (or email bugmaster g o ) but Olav and I will just tell you to
> do the rename yourself unless you run into problems trying it.

Will try to rename myself tomorrow then. It is a dilemma. If I want bug
reports for the beta, I need to rename the gnomemeeting module into
ekiga. On the other hand, I fear disturbing the GNOME release by
renaming now.

What do you think? 
Renaming it now, or later?
Would you do it for me? ;)


> Hope that helps,
> Elijah
 _      Damien Sandras
//\     GnomeMeeting:
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