Re: Improving PyGObject documentation

On 10 February 2013 12:25, Jonathan Ballet <jon multani info> wrote:

I'm currently working on an application which uses PyGObject and Gtk 3.
I used once or twice the informations provided in but I mostly refers to the official Gtk 3 documentation, which describes the C API.

There are some differences between the C API and the API provided in Python (often, the later is more convenient :) which is not documented in the link mentioned above.

There's ongoing work for generating API documentation from introspection information. This effort used to be described in this page, but since then it has become outdated:

Ask in #introspection if you are interested in helping.


I'm willing to help to improve this document, but I wonder what its scope is: is it more like a tutorial with a few API references and a 'for more information, look at the C API', or is it supposed to become eventually complete by itself?
My actual question would actually probably be: what to put inside? Examples, explanations, missing API, ?


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