Re: Planner-list Poll: how do you track progress?

I'll apologize in advance in case I'm asking too many questions ;-)

On Wed, Oct 17, 2007 at 09:56:35PM +0100, Nigel Wilkinson wrote:
> Also in sometimes unthought of tasks race their ugly head and have to
> be added in. In this case it won't have a baseline so we need to
> baseline this one task without altering the existing baseline for the
> other tasks.

So when you add a new task to the baseline, it should not change any
other tasks in the baseline? In other words, after adding and baselining
new tasks, the baseline does not have to be a valid schedule anymore?

Would you expect the software to provide a "revert to baseline" feature
or is undo/load good enough? If the baseline is not necessarily a valid
schedule, reverting to the baseline may be tricky.

And what should happen to the baseline data for a task if the task is
removed in the current plan? What if it's split up into multiple tasks?
Should there be a way to reassociate a baseline task with a task in the
current plan? Does a baseline still work after drastically
rearranging/reordering tasks in the current plan?

I'm also still wondering on how to integrate the "tracking progress in
time" feature. The many articles I read on the net seem to track
progress of a task in one of two ways:
1) an estimated percentage of completion
2) a more objective measure (EVM-like) such as: 
  a) task started = 30% of its value, task completed = 100% of its value
  b) fixed percentages for completion of design, implementation, 
     documentation and testing of a task

I find it strange that nr 1 is done in percentages and not in two steps:
1) recording the effort spent and 2) estimating the work still to be
done. If I am asked for a percentage and a duration, I first check the
time I spent, then do an effort estimate for the remaining work and then
calculate duration & percentage from that. Never the other way around.
I'm still trying to understand why I seem to be alone in this.


Maurice van der Pot

Gentoo Linux Developer   griffon26 gentoo org
Creator of BiteMe!       griffon26 kfk4ever com

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