Re: Planner-list Poll: how do you track progress?

Maurice van der Pot wrote:
I've been working on a patch that allows you to track a task's progress
in hours instead of in a percentage.

Now I am wondering how you generally would like to track progress (forgetting for a minute that planner only supports a percentage at the

So here are the options:

1) I prefer to always track progress in percentages

2) I prefer to always track progress in hours/days/etc

3) It depends on the project, but within one project I track everything
   the same way

4) I use both within one project. Some tasks in percentages, some in

5) I only use this feature for marking tasks as complete

I strictly track progress in percentages, but what I'd really like is to be able to track progress against the original plan. Knowing that a task that was scheduled to be done 6 months ago is 50% done is somewhat useful, but what I'd really need to know is that given that this task is 50% done at this point in time, when can I expect it to be done, and how does this affect the overall schedule compared with the initial plan?

Today I do this by altering the duration of tasks and their start dates to reflect what is actually happening, but then I lose valuable data in the process (the initial plan).


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