Re: [Planner] Tasks assigned to same resource scheduled concurrently?

El dj 03 de 03 del 2005 a les 16:25 +0100, en/na Max Lists va escriure:
> Hi again,
> Fact is, you could assign the same resource to 2 concurent tasks, but
> with a 50% rate on both. You would notice that doing so, your task
> duration will double and result in a 100% job of the resource.
> If you keep a 100%(unit) on the same resource, you will see that the
> resource has too much job(red color) on the "Resource usage" part.
> Massimo


Ok... I can do this manually until there's no red in the graph then!

The only problem I see then is that the percentage is set for all the
task and I'd like something more adaptable depending on other tasks (for
instance imagine my previous example, If I used 50% on both I'd spend
20days, but the correct response is 18).

Anyway is a good solution (although I'd prefer an automatic calculation
of these things). I imagine I must combine this with delays.

I really appreciate your help. Thanks again.


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