Re: [Planner Dev] Windows Port - Status update

Jani tiainen wrote:

Well, after few sleepless nights (well, not sleepless but quite few sleep hours) I have managed to put up partially working version of Planner.

Most of things seems to work (I haven't done excessive testing, just tried out few things).

Currently invoking "Save" or "Load" ends up with "Multiple SIGV caught" errors. Don't know why.

I have narrowed this problem down to window_do_save and window_open_cb

in window_open_cb things get whacky because I'm in my home directory. If I use debugger and change to eg "/tmp" things work allright...

--- Here is code that does this strange behavior ---

	last_dir = get_last_dir (window);
        // ^-- This /cygdrive/d/home/jtiai for me...
gtk_file_chooser_set_current_folder (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (file_chooser), last_dir);
	g_free (last_dir);

	gtk_window_set_modal (GTK_WINDOW (file_chooser), TRUE);

	gtk_widget_show (file_chooser); // <-- Here it hangs...



Jani Tiainen

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