Re: Integration with gnome-software

On 24 March 2016 at 21:55, Peter Volpe <pvolpe redhat com> wrote:
* List the user-visible name for the remote
This concept isn't consistently implemented yet.

Okay, I can hardcode something.

The default remote is based on the current default deployment. If you are
using rpm-ostree dbus it's in the Deployment tuple.


AFAIK, you can use the rpm-ostree library to get this. but that
also has the rpm dependencies.

I ended up just using librpm for this.

* Download all the required commits for the newest version of a
specific remote *without* actually committing
AFAIK, the rpm-ostree dbus api does not currently support this, but can be
done using the ostree library directly.

Do you have any hints to what flags I need to use for this
download-not-deploy mode? Sorry for all the newbie questions, I hope
it's clear I'm willing to do the work where required :)

I also assume it would be okay to add extra things to the rpm-ostree
dbus interface just for my use?

The dbus api only supports
downloading the rpm directory so that you can preview what changes will be
made. But it doesn't download the whole file tree.

Right, I think the main download is the one that will take all the
time, so I'll have to look at this for gnome-software. We can't use
librpm-ostree or libostree *writer* code directly as we're running in
the session.

* Display all the package names of all the updates in the
downloaded-but-not-staged commits
This can be done with the DownloadDeployRpmDiff / GetCachedDeployRpmDiff and
DownloadUpdateRpmDiff / GetCachedUpdateRpmDiff dbus methods.

Are there any docs for those? I can't find any generated docs other
than the implementation which is kinda sparse on comments.

If using the dbus api, all the deploy methods only reboot if passed the
reboot option.

Gotcha, thanks.

On 24 March 2016 at 22:07, Colin Walters <walters verbum org> wrote:
All looks right to me - I'd say the Cockpit team did an *amazing* job
on driving and helping implement the rpm-ostree DBus daemon,

Right, agreed. I've already been talking to Andreas and the others
about their code.

and I'd take a look at the high level Cockpit design (such as orienting towards version numbers
and the "deploy" concept) - the code implementing that should help
answer some questions too.

Well, I was confused about the a.b.c.d version scheme. What kind of
policy should there be for fedora-worksation? I wasn't sure what the
format was meant to signify (major.minor.micro.patch, so
24.0.0.${build_number}?) so ideas or links to docs welcome.



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