Re: Current status of the GNOME Github mirror: ostree module

On Wed, Dec 2, 2015, at 01:45 PM, Colin Walters wrote:

... 7 months later, this is still an issue:

I propose moving to github/projectatomic if no one objects.  But keep
this mailing list open? 

So I never did that.  I'm still uncertain.  However, I did recently decide
that I really like
which solves a major ugly part of the github workflow (particularly
now where the merge button doesn't even work for OSTree), while still
allowing us to use the github mirror for patch review workflow.

However, in order for Homu to work, we would need to add the
cgwalters-bot SSH key to GNOME infrastructure. 

But...what I'm thinking now is to create ostree as its own new github

The bottom line is that while I really don't like the fact that github
is proprietary software, they actually do a lot to help FOSS by
the sheer fact of how much is centralized there - everyone has
an account.  And there is so much tooling built on top - including
things like Homu, which in some cases allow one to avoid
being *too* tied to their infrastructure.

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