[orca-list] speech-dispatcher settings

Howdy All,

Has the settings location for speech-dispatcher changed recently? I am
using version 0.11.2.

the reason I ask is, when I change a setting in speechd.conf and restart
speech-dispatcher the new settings are not applied. For example I chose
RHVoice as my default voice. In my speechd.conf, however, it says:

#DefaultModule espeak-ng

And yet, it speaks with RHVoice, just not the voice I want. I can change
to the proper voice by setting :

DefaultVoiceType  "MALE2"

But even though the line is not commented, and i killed the running
speech-dispatcher and restarted with spd-say "message", it still uses
the first voice.

If the settings are stored differently now, how would I go about setting
DefaultVoiceType with the new method?



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