Re: [orca-list] Orca screen reader with java swing application

Hello Artem,
Thank you for reaching out to our community.
I really appreciate the work with making IntelliJ IDEA accessible for Linux is started. Do I understand correctly that it will be a separate application? Wouldn't it be possible to include all accessibility patches to the upstream for developers not to maintain a separate app? As Rastislav told you can build new Orca from source, you can also do it without enabling extra repositories by installing all required packages separately and compiling Orca from master branch. I am really looking forward to test these accessibility changes and report bugs, IntelliJ IDEA helped me so much in my automation QA work when I used it on Windows.
Thank you!
On 9/1/22 16:03, Rastislav Kish via orca-list wrote:
With allowed source repos, you can install it like this:
sudo apt-get build-deps gnome-orca
git clone
cd orca
PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3 ./
sudo make install
Eventually, the accessibility has usually worked out of the box, without
the need for any additions (at least for the apps I tried), java -jar
file.jar was enough for assembled applications and I thing running
.class files directly worked as well.


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