Re: [orca-list] Questions we need to ask the Fedora and Gnome teams

I just downloaded Fedora Workstation 36 here, and aside from a little craziness with pitching of the default configuration, e.g. it says "screen reader" at a normal pitch and then says "on" at an unusually high pitch, it works as expected. It probably could use a startup sound to let you know that the desktop is running, but other than this, pressing alt+super+s started Orca from the live iso without any issues other than that strange pitch problem I mentioned. Are you trying to run the iso on bare metal or in a virtual machine? If you are trying to run it in a virtual machine, you may still be seeing a problem I had with 35 where you get no sound. I can't be absolutely sure, but it appears to have something to do with Pipewire or either Wireplumber having trouble getting the emulated hardware working.

Your other question referred to the alt+control+t shortcut to start a terminal. As far as I was aware, this is specific to Ubuntu and derivatives. I haven't ever seen this shortcut in any vanilla GNOME distribution, although it is present I believe in Cinnamon. But this is likely due to the fact that Cinnamon is essentially a fork of Ubuntu's GNOME 3.x for Linux Mint, which is an Ubuntu derivative. You can configure the GNOME keyboard shortcuts any way you like, but the alt+control+t terminal shortcut is not a default in vanilla GNOME, in fact I believe there is no shortcut configured for the terminal at all by default. I successfully opened a terminal from the run window by pressing alt+f2 and entering gnome-terminal. Hope this helps.


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