[orca-list] Small monitor for my Raspberry pie

I have just got a small monitor for my Raspbery pie and I am wondering if it will have built in speakers.
Trying to describe the specs, it seems to come in a long box, there is a small instruction leaflet on top, I 
think there is like foam rubber on top which has no hole in it on the top surface.
When you lift the instruction leaflet on top and expose the foam rubber or whatever material out, the monitor 
sits in a rectangle underneath.
Pulling that out, there is nothing underneath, no cables or other small bits.
The monitor itself seems to be a flat rectangle shape, about 7 Inches.
Glass mostly covers the top surface but there maybe plastic edges I think.
That is covered by a layer of plastic film which covers the screen which is slightly larger than the screen 
I am presuming there are ports on at least 1 of the edges but there appear to be no obvious buttons when I 
have slightly pressed the edges to check. There doesn’t appear to be an obvious speaker grill that is obvious.
On the bottom side, it appears to be rough and bumpy for something like wall mounting although it looks like 
you can lay it down bumpy side down like it can be used flat.
I think it was described as a touch screen monitor.
Do you think it will have speakers built in like where the ports may be as with my brief feel, it doesn’t 
appear obvious.

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