Re: [orca-list] Passing keys to guest in virt-manager

Sébastien Hinderer shouted into the void:
In my understanding, in VirtualBox keypresses go by default to the guest
except if pressed with right control, in which case they go to the host.
Whereas in virt-manager there are two modes, one for host and one for
guest, and one switches between theses two modes by pressing

I need to reinstall both VirtualBox and qemu here, as I never got either of them going again after I downgraded my Fedora Rawhide installation to the 35 release, but the above does look correct according to my recollection. I'm 100% certain about qemu/VirtManager, but only about 85 to 90% sure of the keyboard control in VirtualBox. I did get an Arch iso talking in VirtualBox at one point, and your understanding of the keyboard control functionality does match with my experience. Hope this helps.


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