[orca-list] Getting Audio For Orca

I have a Pine64 board with 2 GB of RAM.
I installed Armbian Bull'seye on a 32 GB card.
I have been able to SSH into it, as root with a password of 1234
It keeps wanting me to create a new PW when I log in, but I enter like three 
times, and I'm back at the prompt as root.
So I installed espeak-ng, and speech-dispatcher, and I get no audio.
I installed mate-desktop-environment, and xinit and a couple xserver-xorg 
items, including video-dummy.
I don't know if I should yet try installing Orca, since I don't know if it 
is booting to the desktop.
Maybe it isn't logging with the keyboard.
When I ran x-session-manager it told me that there is no choice, that mate 
is the only option.
speaker-test via SSH as well as espeak-ng test does not produce any audio, 
that usually works.
I ran alsactl init and it seemed to identify the card for the board, but 
still no audio.
I'm hoping someone here has some other ideas I can try.


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