Re: [orca-list] insync and orca

Okay, drive-cli ran and it used firefox for the browser and I got prompted
for my credentials several times once I ran the ./drive login command from
~./local/bin/ .  Then there was a process running for several minutes in
the mate terminal I eventually killed.  So I will check the drive and see
if I got any new files.

On Wed, 20 Oct 2021, Jude DaShiell wrote:

I'm about to try drive-cli a.k.a. drive in orca terminal.  I tried it on
the real command line and google couldn't log me in since the browser the
program used in that instance didn't do javascript!  Maybe another browser
will get used in the mate terminal.  So far, google 2 accessibility 0 for
a drive client.

On Wed, 20 Oct 2021, Jude DaShiell wrote:

I don't recommend downloading or using insync with orca since insync
crashes orca then insync suicides so even when orca is restarted you're
dumped onto your desktop.

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