Re: [orca-list] Zoom: can't get some information and can't unmute myself


No, I don't even remember hearing about the web-based interface. (I heard about a Firefox extension, but couldn't figure that out.)  Can you point me to it?  I'll look anyway.


On 11/17/21 7:40 PM, Jason White via orca-list wrote:
On 16/11/21 17:14, Al Sten-Clanton via orca-list wrote:
When I use zoom-linux with Orca, I can get to a button that tells me I can join a meeting.  When I hit ENTER on it, though, I then tab and hear only "label."  Thanks to somebody's help, I know to tab twice to where I can put in the meeting ID, but that field also just says "label." After I type in the ID and hit ENTER, I now know that I can type in a password, but the field doesn't tell me this.
Have you tried their entirely Web-based interface (the one that doesn't require you to install client software)?

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