Re: [orca-list] Zoom: can't get some information and can't unmute myself

I can't answer the OP's questions directly. But I've found that Zoom is much more accessible after I went into Settings and checked the box for having controls visible at all times. To get the controls to show up the first time so you can get to the settings, you can press control+\.

Here is a bash script I wrote to keep my copy of Zoom up to date. It can also be used to install Zoom for the first time. I put the script in /usr/local/bin/ and then created a symlink to it in /etc/cron.daily/.

Note: You can get the script to print progress reports by setting the environmental variable "verbose" to a valuge greater than zero.
=== begin script ===

test -z "$verbose" && verbose=0
cd /tmp

test $verbose -gt 0 && echo "Fetching $url$file"
wget -qN $url$file
availableVersion=`dpkg -f $file version`

text=$(dpkg -s zoom 2>/dev/null)
installed=$(echo "$text" | grep -c '^Status: install ok')
if [ $installed -gt 0 ]; then
        installedVersion=$(echo "$text" | grep ^Version: | sed -e 's/Version: //')
test $verbose -gt 0 && echo "Available version is $availableVersion, installed version is $installedVersion."
if [ "$installedVersion" != "$availableVersion" ]; then
        sudo dpkg -i $file
        test $verbose -gt 0 && echo "Zoom is up to date"
# EOF=== end script ===

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