[orca-list] kali linux and orca?

Okay, I got some sighted help and came away with some information.
First an existing user account is offered along with unlisted.  Hit enter
once and you get asked for a password.  Enter that password and you should
log in.
Once you get into the user account if you do:
alt-f2 amixer set Master 100% unmute
alt_f2 amixer set PCM 100% unmute
alt-f2 alsactl store
alt-f2 gnome-terminal
sudo -i
key in password
apt install orca
then hit y <enter>.
You may need to do the amixer stuff as root shown above but since you're
in gnome-terminal do:
amixer set Master 100% unmute
amixer set PCM 100% unmute
alsactl store
and that gets the sound volume up to useable levels.
No messing with pulseaudio needed.
Then type exit twice and try alt-super-s and see if orca doesn't come up

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