Re: [orca-list] Fwd: OT, Orca List Help

Hi Joanmarie,
I had a confirmation email from Orca list stating that the cableone account was unsubscribed, and it was only then that I subscribed with the new account, and again, I got a confirmation message stating that I was subscribed.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Joanmarie Diggs" <jdiggs igalia com>
To: <>
Cc: "Volodymyr Dorozhinsky" <dorozhinsky ukr net>; <orca-list gnome org>
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2021 3:45 AM
Subject: Re: [orca-list] Fwd: OT, Orca List Help

Hi Glenn.

I just took a look. I see glennervin cableone net subscribed. I do not
see subscribed. In theory, your address
should work now on the Orca list. But you potentially will still hit
this issue on other lists, so figuring out how to make the address you
subscribed with match the address you send messages with is probably a
good idea.


On Wed, 2021-06-16 at 22:24 +0200, Volodymyr Dorozhinsky via orca-list

-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: OT, Orca List Help
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2021 14:27:28 -0500 From: K0LNY <>
Reply-To: K0LNY <> Organization: Home To: Speakup is
a screen review system for Linux. <speakup linux-speakup org>

I don't know where else to go with this, so I'm hoping someone here
knows who is the moderator of the Orca list.
I keep trying to post to it, but I get the messages from it that
indicate that I am trying to post to a list that I am not subscribed
I unsubscribed from my old eMail and resubscribed with my new one,
and got the welcome message, and after the problems, I tried to
subscribe again, and I got the message that reads that I'm already
When I send a message, I get a message like:
Your mail to 'orca-list' with the subject

which Ubuntu

Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.

The reason it is being held:

Post by non-member to a members-only list

So if anyone knows who the Orca list moderator is, could you send
this to them for me?

orca-list mailing list
orca-list gnome org
Orca wiki:
Orca documentation:
GNOME Universal Access guide:

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