Hy there.
Both enter and space don’t work, tha’ts what’s got me confused.
Best regards.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
as for logging in to Google, this should work normally, even in Firefox.
In fact, as for accessibility, I don't remember a case on Linux where Firefox would be behind Google Chrome.
If space doesn't work on buttons, like on Paypal for example, try pressing enter, that usually works.
Best regards
Dňa 11. 1. 2021 o 15:01 Francisco Tissera via orca-list napísal(a):
Hello there.
I’ll try f7 for chrome and cromium, and what I’m having issues on firefox is that I can’t sign in to google, that’s the thing.
Best regards.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
I cannot confirm. After starting in a terminal:
chromium-browser --force-renderer-accessibility --enable-caret-browsing
I can select and copy.
In Firefox untill now I always be able to switch from link to link by pressing u for unvisited links, v for visited links of k or tab to jump to the next link. Enter activates the selected link.
Op 11-01-2021 om 14:25 schreef Francisco Tissera via orca-list:
Hello there.
So, the issue I am having is this: in both Google Chrome and Cromium, I cannot seem to be able to select text with Orca, no matter what I do. I tried ctrl+shift+right and left arrows, up and down, shift+arrows… nothing. Anyone got around those issues in any way? I really like Firefox, and how orca is as fast as warp speed in there, but I cannot seem to be able to click some buttons in Firefox, so I cannot use it.
Any help would be apritiated.
Best regards.
orca-list mailing list
orca-list gnome org
Orca wiki: https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Orca
Orca documentation: https://help.gnome.org/users/orca/stable/
GNOME Universal Access guide: https://help.gnome.org/users/gnome-help/stable/a11y.html