Re: [orca-list] Problems with Orca 40 Beta and how to return to the stable


yes, I have it, but I want to have Orca 3.38. Stable in Ubuntu is 3.36.2 what I don't want.

Dne 19. 02. 21 v 14:50 josé Vilmar Estácio de Souza napsal(a):
After the git clone command you can use the git checkout command to switch to another branch.

git checkout gnome-3-38

You can use the git status command to display the name of the current branch.

I may be wrong but I suspect that you have also the stable version of orca installed, probably in another folder.

You can use in the terminal the command:

which --all orca

To confirm.

||On 2/19/21 10:28, Vojtěch šmiro via orca-list wrote:

so can you get me another link to the stable version? I've not switched, I have Ubuntu Mate, I've compiled Orca Master without switching anything.


Dne 19. 02. 21 v 14:17 josé Vilmar Estácio de Souza napsal(a):
You are compiling orca present in the master branch.

If you want to compiling orca 3.38 you need to change to branch gnome-3-38 before compiling.

Also could you check the path where orca is present?

which orca

type orca

On 2/19/21 09:55, Vojtěch šmiro via orca-list wrote:

I have big problems with new Orca 40 Beta and I would like to switch back to the Orca stable. If I write
/usr/bin/orca -r
I will launch Orca 3.36.2, because that Orca is native in my Ubuntu Mate 20.04. I would like to have 3.38.2, that's a good Orca version.

I've tested
git clone
cd orca
sudo sh ./
sudo make install
sudo make clean
and restarted Orca with orca -r. All gitting fine, but Orca 40 beta forever, not stable Orca.

In Orca 40 I have problems when I wand to use flat review. I have problems with some website and in Orca 3.36.2 it's fine and 3.38.2 in Stormux is fine too. I have problems with It spells some link if I press down arrow, I see one letter on one row so I have to press tab and table with times when driver can lift me my shopping isn't table, but toolbar in Orca beta. In Orca stable it's good. How to switch to Orca 3.38.2 on Ubuntu Mate 20.04?

Thanks a lot.

Best regards

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