Re: [orca-list] When there is selected text and the cursor is moved with the arrows, the orca does not read the text to which the cursor was moved

Part of me says selection removed sounds like a synonym forselection
deleted. Perhaps something like selection cancelled, unselected all,
everything unselected, or selectionn unhighlighted or permutations
thereof would be more intuitive to new users and less likely to cause
panic that they accidentally deleted a significant portion of their

I do agree that reading what was unselected is needlessly wordy when
cancelling a selection altogether, but I also think the unselected
text probably should be read when unselecting part of a selection(e.g.
someone holds shift and presses down arrow several times to highlight
several lines, but gets part of the line beyond where they wanted to
stop, so press home to unselect to the start of that last line,
hearing what was unselected sounds useful to avoid unselecting too
much, such if the point you want to end the selection is a sentence
break in that last line rather than a line break).

Just my two bits.

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