Re: [orca-list] Change on others internet brausers

Huh. Well, all I can say is that it seemes to have worked for me. You have to reconfigure *everything* in Firefox if you delete the .mozilla folder. You'll loose your bookmarks, your homepage, your accessibility settings, etc. If you did not have to reconfigure all that stuff, then something else is wrong.

On 8/17/21 7:44 AM, hwaenchuqi gmail com wrote:

Actually, I tried your method and deleted my .mozilla folder. Firefox
did not crash when typing in textareas, but it continued to crash
whenever clicking on links from google search results. What exactly
did you have to reconfigure?

Hwaen Ch'uqi

On 8/17/21, John G Heim via orca-list <orca-list gnome org> wrote:
I still haven't had a crash since I deleted the .mozilla subdirectory
and restarted Firefox. You're going to have to reconfigure everythhing
but, honestly, I think that is easier than switching browsers.

On 8/17/21 5:46 AM, markom87 yandex ru wrote:
Hy all.
How I can to use chrome or other ucsessible browsers becauseĀ  Firefox
System Ubuntu 20.04.
Thanks for help.

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