Re: [orca-list] difficult interaction of pympress and orca master

I just took a quick look at the output. Some observations:

1. When you are in in Pympress presenter and press Tab, we get a focus
event for a text object. But when we go to process that, the
application claims to be defunct/dead. So Orca doesn't present that
change or update the location. 

2. I see plenty of accessible text-changed events from pympress for a
label. Looks like a timer. But those aren't presentable if you're not
on that label. I'm not seeing much else in the way of accessibility

3. When you Enter flat review, it seems like Orca is able to see as far
as the Current slide panel, but I'm not seeing objects beneath that. 

My gut is telling me that there's some accessibility breakage in the
app and that the text object with the content isn't there or the
accessibility tree is broken around it.

That said, I'd need to install the app and debug things further. Which
I'll put on my todo list. (Been crazy-busy with other development tasks

In the meantime, a question: Are you on the same system with the only
difference being Orca master? Or are you on different systems with
different versions of AT-SPI2?

On Mon, 2021-08-09 at 16:00 +1000, peter rayner via orca-list wrote:
What is pympress? It's a program for displaying pdf with annotations
potentially on a different screen and controllable from the keyboard.
You can find it at
I love it to bits since I can now have pdf generated from LaTeX
displaying notes on my braille device and, most marvellous of all,
controlled from the keyboard and guaranteed to have notes and slides
in sync, something I'm always worrying over. A recent orca upgrade
broke this happy story. I won't call it an orca bug, just as likely
some problem with the python-gtk changes I hacked together and
kindly included. The system works with orca 3.28.0 packaged
with ubuntu 18.04-lts. I can switch pages with arrow keys and scroll
through the text with the appropriate keys on the braille device.
the orca master downloaded a few minutes ago I can still change pages
but get no response to the scrolling on the braille device or with
speech in flat review. You can find  a compressed debug.out file at
. I do
notice we're getting the "flood" warning. The code in pympress used
to display the
annotations is:
    def add_annotations(self, annotations):
        """ Add annotations to be displayed (typically on going to a
new slide).

            annotations (`list`): A list of strings, that are the
annotations to be displayed
        buf = self.annotations_textview.get_buffer()
        buf.place_cursor( buf.get_start_iter())
Any guidance on whether I'm triggering this or whether it's some
strange interaction with orca would be welcome.

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