Re: [orca-list] KDE / Plasma accessibility report


answer in line.

Le 22/04/2021 à 16:38, Peter Vágner via orca-list a écrit :
I guess Didier is looking for a decent modern looking lightweight but still accessible display manager for Slint.

Good guess indeed.

Gnome is not part of Slint thus using GDM 40 is not verry appealing for packaging as part of Slint as it would pull a lot of gnome specific dependencies e.g. gnome-shell.


Still using GDM 2.32 is perhaps very very conservative thing to do. On systems where I am not running gnome I am using lightdm similar to Kyle and Alexander and it's working great for me too.

I will probably ship a lightdm greeter if sddm is not accessible in
Slackware 15, unless/until I can ship a more accessible version. I expect
Slackware 15 to be released in several months, so it's not an urgent decision.

Thanks all for your answers,


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