Re: [orca-list] espeak-ng and capitalization?


In the orca preferences screen, more specifically in the voice tab, there is the capitalization option that can help.

I set this option to none.

On 9/2/20 11:19 AM, John G. Heim via orca-list wrote:
Anybody know the status of the bug with espeak-ng and capitalization? If I use espeak-ng with orca, instead of raising the pitch for capital leters, it says the word "capital", which is driving me crazy. How are other people dealing with this? I bought voxim but that has its own drawbacks.

This bug in espeak-ng is a huge problem for me because i do a lot of bash scripting and the standard for bash variables is to use all upper case, like environmental variables. It takes forever to find bugs if I have to listen to it saying capital before each letter in a variable name.

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