Re: [orca-list] Any PDF or Epub Reader accessible with Orca


The builtin pdf tool on firefox works probably the best that i've seen.

There are others that work if carrot browsing is enabled but that has it's own headaches and in some cases scrolling doesn't work well.



On 7/7/2020 11:31 AM, Ishe Chinyoka via orca-list wrote:

I am new to Linux, so forgive me if the question I am asking had been addressed before. However, I am liking what I am seeing here: I now had been using Ubuntu 2020 for two full weeks. Most of my work I do in Emacs. In fact, Emacs is the one that made me take the big leap to come to Linux.

So to my question: what is the accessible program I can use to read PDF files or EPUB (even any other ebooks) on Linux? The one that comes with the Gnome desktop, namely Document Viewer or Evince are not accessible. I just hear it announcing canvas frames and that's it.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. I am comfortable even if the program is an Emacs package.

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