Re: [orca-list] Please test master: Name unborking time

I’m not on a position to test in the next couple of days, but to clarify: this is about which takes precedence, right?  If an object a label but not name, it continues to read the label?  FWIW preferring name name over label seems consistent with NVDA and/or JAWS, but I’d have to check again next week to be sure.


On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 9:40 AM Joanmarie Diggs <jdiggs igalia com> wrote:
Hey all.

For many years, there's been this weird hack in Orca to prefer the
displayed text over the name. And it was sufficiently integrated into
Orca's presentation that I've been hesitant to try to untangle the mess.
But it keeps coming up, so I've just started doing so in master.

What would be super helpful is if you can test for Orca not presenting
widget information that it used to present.

Thanks in advance!!
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