[orca-list] Unable to add a gmail account to thunderbird for some reason.

Hi all,

Not sure who I should send this to, but here it goes.  Just out of the blue, I am unable to reconfigure my 
gmail account in thunderbird in fedora 31 and thunderbird 68 LTS latest update with orca master.  I am told 
that it is unable too add using the configuration or something to that effect.  I checked and thirdparty 
access is enabled as well as imap access.  Any one else having or had this problem?  I think I had this fixed 
atone point but don’t remember how or if it just fixed itself.  Again I am using orca master as of yesterday. 
 I am also using thunderbird 68.4 and the gmail address is the same one I am using to write this message on 
another machine.  Thanks all.


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