Re: [orca-list] Making postmarketOS blind-accessible


Dňa 20. 8. 2020 o 10:18 Alex ARNAUD via orca-list napísal(a):
Le 19/08/2020 à 22:41, Rich Morin a écrit :
After some informal research and reflection, I've decided that postmarketOS is the most promising basis for a 
blind-accessible, Linux-based cell phone operating system.  Developers are working on getting it to support a 
large number of devices (, many of which are available for very 
little money.
Depending of if you expect to have touch screen support, there is no currently touch screen support into AT-SPI and Orca.

Unfortunately, I don't think someone plan to implement it. Maybe you could add it yourself or raise a crowdfunding campaign to pay someone to make it accessible.

This is great initiative.

I think it would be awesome to get alpine linux with speakup or fenrir to work. Then other things might be added as needed. I'd say we need to create speech and braille enabled image for Alpine linux similar to what talking arch is for arch linux.

However for mobile OS, the development is much more complicated I'm afraid.

We blind linux fans, advocates, hackers, tinkerers are in a catch 22 situation when it comes to the linux mobile OS access.

We *need* touch screen access on linux before we can seriously consider that as a viable platform.

Othervise we might just use our single board computers e.g. pine 64, raspberry pi... whatever with external accessories.

By making Alpine installable with speech and braille this first part of the goal would be met and this is a reasonable achievement at this point in time.



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