Re: [orca-list] Programming in Python in Braille

Emacs does not have Braille support, but you can use brltty in the
console and get all the indennt information.

On Wed, 12 Aug 2020 02:55:44 -0400,
Krishnakant Mane via orca-list wrote:

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Although my suggestion is off topic, but I strongly recommend using emacs.

I am sure it has braille support through perhaps emacspeak or something

It is great for Python.

On 12/08/20 6:04 am, John J. Boyer wrote:
What I want to know is whetheer there is a convenient way to deal with indentation. When something is 
deeply indented there is a lot of blank space at the beginning 
of the line and it can even look like the whole line is blank. It would be nice to have something like 
dot 8 to mark each blank space.


On Tue, Aug 11, 2020 at 11:50:49PM +0200, Didier Spaier via orca-list wrote:
Hello John,

answer in line.

Le 11/08/2020 à 21:33, John J. Boyer a écrit :

What are the methods that you  use to program in Python in Braille? I am deaf-blind, so speech is not 
an option. 
I'm considering trying to help with the development of Orca. I have Debian Bullseye, CLI and also Mate.
I will probably do the development on the command line, but I'm wondering if some of the text editors 
in Mate might have special facilities for working with  python.
I don't use Braille but geany is at least very accessible with speech, so could be as well accessible 
with Braille.

Needless to say, on the console both emacs and vim are your friends. 

Best regards,

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Krishnakant Mane,
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         John Covici wb2una
         covici ccs covici com

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