Re: [orca-list] How do I install the very latest Orca?

Hi John.

It is actually very easy.

You can download the latest stable build here.


3.36.2 is the latest version.

If you are using Ubuntu then sudo apt-get build-dep gnome-orca should be your first command.

If that gives you an error it means your source repositories are disabled in your sources.list file.

Enable them all and then first do sudo apt-get update before doing the sudo apt-get build-dep command.

I guess your friend might be surely aware about how to enable the sources repositories.

Once this process is done then untar the file you downloaded from the link I provided in this email.

then use the cd command to go in that folder.

Now there are 3 commands you may do in exact order.

./configure, make and finally sudo make install after which Orca gets updated.

But you will have to restart Orca after this.

Hope this helps.

On 27/04/20 9:43 am, John J. Boyer wrote:
Hello Everyone,

Thanks to Joanie and others for the improvements in Braille. To get them I will have to install the very latest Orca. I'm not sure how to go about it. Is an 
installable package available in the git repository? My tech might be able to build Orca from source, but both of us are unfamiliar with the build process.

Please give me the URL to get Orca from the git repository? What is the git command to do so?


Krishnakant Mane,
Project Founder and Leader,
(Opensource Accounting, Billing and Inventory Management Software)

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