[orca-list] Orca stops speaking notifications: things I've discovered

Reported this here a while back, but at the time it couldn't be easily replicated and I shelved it. Recently it began annoying me more, though, and I've tried digging into it. Essentially, after some amount of time, Orca stops speaking most notifications. I noticed that some still spoke--my wireless keyboard's batteries are low, and those always speak. But incoming mail notifications, drives inserted/removed, etc. don't speak until I reboot. Capturing a debug.out is difficult because I'd essentially need to leave logging running until I get a new message. But I did discover some things that might help track this down.

First, I discovered that clearing past notifications restores speaking of notifications. That made me wonder if the behavior had something to do with the notification stack.

I then pounced on the notification area immediately after a new email arrived and the notification didn't speak. On top, I noticed an alert about my low keyboard battery from 13 minutes ago. Right below, I found the incoming email from just now.

So if Orca gets an event for a new notification, is it just looking at the top of the stack and seeing an old/already processed notification, and not finding the newer one immediately below? That might explain away all of this, but I haven't had my coffee yet so take that for what it's worth.


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