Hi Joanie,
I certainly feel and understand how it must be feeling.
Although you are relaxing, your mind still seems to be on radar
watch for any "issues on fire ".
But you perfectly deserve this break and it is wonderful that you
are enjoying it.
On 25/11/19 10:45 PM, Joanmarie Diggs
Igalia gives its employees a rather generous number of vacation
days, and expects us to take them. In fact, failure to take them
is a no-no because we take our "equal work for equal pay" policy
quite seriously. I've been a bad American. As a result, I have to
take quite a bit of time off between now and the end of the year.
I will still be checking email, and if anything is on fire, then
I'll work on it ASAP. Lower-priority, not-on-fire issues may need
to wait until mid December or early January.
Hopefully you will all be enjoying your own holidays and therefore
not notice my absence. Sending this just in case.
Take care.
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(Opensource Accounting, Billing and Inventory
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