[orca-list] Latest Gnome or Mate accessibility

Hi all. I have Fedora 30, latest Mate spin. I kind of miss all the "user friendly" stuff Gnome has to offer, but I don't miss tha inaccessible Settings center that the Gnome from, I think, Fedora 28 or 29 had when I tried it. Has that been fixed?
Also, which desktop has the most consistant accessibility, and willingness to fix accessibility problems? I think, for better or for worse, I'm in Linux for the long run now; it just won't leave me alone so I might as well stay, so I want to choose the desktop that cares about accessibility.

As an aside, I tried Gmail, Google Sheets and such, and Orca seems to do very well with them now, much better than Ubuntu Mate 18.10, so thanks for that. Even the suggestions I get in the message body speak well, although I wish there were more of an audio cue for that; that's up to Google though.
Devin Prater
sent from Gmail.

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