[orca-list] how to install multiple Orca compatible desktop environments to The latest Ubuntu 64 bit edition

I have started with may be stupid, may be interesting mission. Adding multiple desktop environments to The latest Ubuntu Mate 64 bit edition. The most important think is to have accessible session manager. I have used Ubuntu Mate and it comes with Lightdm preconfigured. So I have thought, that I will be able simply to install. Gnome, Gnome-shell, LXDE, XFCE, KDE and LXQT. Sure, somebody of us may be think, that I do not know what to do with The spare time that I AM trying such may be activity, which do not makes sense at all.
But here are some of my findings.
1. When installing LXDE to Ubuntu Mate, I AM getting error system program related warning and somebody of Ubuntu development team have not allowed users to see The name of Process and details, if system program crash.
And I have found other much more severe problem.
When I have installed LXDE to Ubuntu Mate USB android devices could not be correctly opened from Caja when using Mate. LXQT very probably do not support ALT+F2 so I could not try to run Orca here. Orca work with LXDE but Openbox is very specific window manager. So for example, when you would terminate app by pressing ALT+F4 Orca will not speak desktop word and desktop item which have focus. I think, that PCMANFM is being used by LXDE to display icons on The desktop. Or other app? LXDE menu is accessible and also LXDE specific setting app and also Openbox hodkeys list for manipulation with windows.
LXDE is also very responsive and allocates really very little MB of RAM.
I have also tried to directly login to Openbox, because Lightdm show this window manager as A session. But unfortunately, this was not good idea from Me. Because ALT+F2 do not activated Orca.
I have also installed XFCE4.
But its accessibility is really not good. To be honest, LXDE and Gnome and Mate are very probably The most accessible GTK based desktops. I will also try Cinnamon But The best think that I can do is to use persistent feature of Debian to try those thinks. Or virtualisation software with snapshots feature. But my experiment have also brought something very positive. The finding, that PCmanfm file and folders browsing when view have been switched to icons is very probably The most fastest while comparing various GTK based file managers. But Caja have useful connect to server feature, reliable FTP file operations support. I think, that my problem is being caused that every GTK desktop environment enforces other .so libraryes versions so may be, that it is rather impossible to run multiple desktop environments while using one Linux distribution with Orca. The good would be to integrate Gnome shell, Gnome, LXDE and Mate. Vinux 5.1 contained Ubuntu Unity support. Gnome shell and Mate. So if it would be also possible to extend The list of accessible desktop environments with LXDE, it would be amazing.
May be to replace PCMANFM as a desktop file manager with Caja.
XFCE4 have included interesting feature very similar to Windows operating system. When I have pressed SHIFT+F10 on some application name inside XFCE4 panel, I was been able to copy The app link to desktop and this feature is excellent. So every desktop have its advantages and disadvantages. Lightdm session manager can switch between many desktop environments without issues.

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