Re: [orca-list] Is it possible to present these links more smartly?

Hey Nolan.

I'm traveling for work at the moment, but I'll add this test case to my
todo list. Thanks!

On 5/1/19 11:28 AM, Nolan Darilek wrote:
I know there was work done presenting Amazon off-screen links better
recently, such that they weren't represented by a single character per
line. I've seen other links like this, and am wondering if they can get
the same treatment? For instance:

After the headline, it is essentially repeated, with a link having a
single character per line. I also see similar behavior with every
Twitter embed, where the info/privacy links are single-letter lines.

I imagine this is Firefox's fault, or that of the content
developers--I'm just wondering if there's any heuristic Orca might apply
to make it nicer? :)


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