[orca-list] Chromium: Not there yet, but making progress!

Hey all.

I promised to update you on the progress being made to make Chromium
accessible via Orca. Structural navigation and *basic* access to static
text content are now possible. Some widgets are also now accessible.
That's the good news.

That said, please note that there's still a ton that does *not* work
(including text inputs, live regions, complex navigation, text
selection, etc., etc., etc.). Therefore, I'm *not* ready for user
testing yet. Furthermore, in order to get the stuff that does work, you
would have to build Chromium from source (which is not a trivial task in
time or in effort).

I promise to tell you when I *am* ready for user testing, and at that
time, I will also tell you what you will need to do to perform said
testing. In the meantime, please know that real progress is finally
being made. It is my hope that Orca 3.34 + Chromium Unstable will be a
combination you all can use when GNOME 3.34 ships.

Onward and upward!

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