Re: [orca-list] Screen Reader Preferences GUI very slow if EspeakListVoiceVariant is set to 1 (was:Re: other tts with orca)


Joanmarie Diggs, le dim. 01 juil. 2018 14:36:13 -0400, a ecrit:
Combo boxes were never meant to have that many objects in them. If there
is API in speech-dispatcher to get the variants associated with a given
voice, then Orca's preferences should be modified to use it. If there's
not, such API should be added to speech-dispatcher (and then Orca's
preferences should be modified to use it).

Actually the API was already there but it was abused to contain
dialects, and confusion came all over.  I have fixed this on the speechd
side, and submitted

which makes Orca use the API.


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