[orca-list] orca does not read émoji if there is something else on the line

hello all,

after you have added the description of a émoji in the pronunciation of
the orca, I saw that the orca does not read the description if the line
contains something other than the émoji. however, if I move with the
arrows left and right, I can have the description

I don't know if the bug comes from orca or speech-dispatcher ...

step to reproduce:
1. add a émoji in the pronunciation of orca: 😊 == "visage souriant avec
les yeux rieurs
2. open a chat or pluma
3. write hello with the émoji of step 1 so hello 😊

here, orca just says hello, and not to read the émoji so that if we
remove hello read the description of the émoji

I am using orca master, but I've always had the bug

tanks !


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