Re: [orca-list] Orca and arch linux


I guess the following might be happening:

* You start your system,

* espeakup is started via enabled systemd espeakup.service file,

* Since espeakup can only use alsa for its sound output it takes over your sound card. It's why typing speaker-test as root gives you a resource busy error. It looks as if you may not really have pulseaudio-alsa package installed eventhough you answered definate yes to my question. If you wish to make sure, please try to read content of the file /etc/asound.conf by typing in
cat /etc/asound.conf

if it's installed you should have lines like this near the top:

pcm.!default {
  type pulse

I am not sure installing pulseaudio-alsa by typing in:

sudo pacman -S pulseaudio-alsa

will improve the situation but it might since in such a case alsa apps play sound via pulseaudio and multiple user specific pulseaudio instances can coexist on the system suspending the instance that is not currently being used.

What you might try is stopping espeakup immediatelly before starting GDM and starting gdm blindly.

You would type

sudo systemctl stop espeakup

then press enter key

sudo systemctl restart gdm

and press enter again

As the GDM window appears you may either get no sound if orca is not configured to launch on the login screen or it may just come up talking.

In order to toggle it you can press alt+super+s on the GDM login screen.

If you are not sure if it's toggled on or if it's toggled off you might like to toggle it several times however please don't rapidly press alt+super+s quickly, wait at least a second or even slightly longer between these presses.

Super key is the windows key found on the bottom left hand side of your keyboard often placed between left ctrl and left alt keys.

Orca should spawn speech-dispatcher and speech-dispatcher should spawn pulseaudio as needed.

If your sound device is not taken over by espeakup, you might hopefully get the sound on the GDM login screen.

One thing I am still wondering when thinking about your setup is, have you installed mate, orca and GDM your-self? GDM is gnome's display manager it's why I am unsure.



Dňa 12. 1. 2019 o 14:28 Michael Maslo napísal(a):
Please see my responses below to your questions.

Do you have any kind of sound from that machine or are you relying on sighted help while diagnosing this?
  While on command prompt i have espeakup but  the desktop environment no sounds

How do you start mate the only i can start my desktop is by typing sudo systemctl start gdm.sservice. The 
startx gave no such command
and how do you login to a text only console?
  Espeakup comes on

Can you connect via SSH to that machine to troubleshoot this? Do not know what this means

Do you know if you have got pulseaudio-alsa package installed yes i do

and if pulseaudio is started right when you are typing into a text console? Espeakup speak talks and i went 
into alsamixer

Does speaker-test work if you will start it as root? No i get playback open error device or resource busy 

Have you followed the install guide from the arch wiki or some other tutorial? Yes i followed the talking 
arch tutorial



Dňa 12. 1. 2019 o 3:16 Michael Maslo via orca-list napísal(a):
Hello list,

I installed arch linux and when I ran speaker test while in the command line I got the error playback open 
error device or resource is busy. When I went into mate desktop and did speaker test I got the following 

Commend not found.

Any idea on how to fix this problem?


Michael maslo
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