[orca-list] Windows to Linux GUI guide and applevis/inclusiveandroid for Linux

Hi all,


                The day is coming when it will be difficult or impossible to use Windows on modern hardware with the privacy and reliability I want. I have been using Linux for many years through the command line, but am thinking of starting to use it on the desktop with a GUI  of some sort, I have no preference as to which one, I want the one which is most accessible. So far, I have installed Slint and Ubuntu 18.04 as well as the Mate desktop on Ubuntu.

I am after two things, if I may ask about them. First, is there a guide from a windows perspective for blind users switching to Orca from Jaws/NVDA?

                Secondly, is there a site like applevis or inclusiveandroid pointing out accessible programs, the most accessible desktops, etc.? I want to avoid searching through outdated information and experimenting to get what is most usable. What I’d like to do is to start with a foundation and go on from there. I’m like a child who wants a push on a swing, I’m not looking for the perfect setup, just a setup I can start and learn with and then adjust to my preferences. I may say that I use braille very significantly due to a hearing impairment and also that, for the same reason or personal idiosyncrasy, I can’t seem to use eSpeak at all. I am, therefore, restricted to Voxin, more or less, for speech, and lack of braille would make anything unusable even if it has speech accessibility. Obviously, I would be most grateful for any suggestions/ideas, and am willing to play with things to get braille or my preferred speech running with them.

Thanks in advance,




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