[orca-list] Slight Issue With Using Quenton C Playroom Web Client in Firefox with Orca


I'm using Ubuntu Mate 18.10 with Orca Master and the latest Firefox,
which I think is 65.
When I use the web client for a game platform called Quenton C's
Playroom at qcsalon.net, everything works fine for the most part,
except that when a bunch of text is sent quickly (as shown in the
history text box) Orca misses some of the text.

As an example, I can take the following steps to see the issue:

1. I go to qcsalon.net and log in with my account.
2. I click the "Play!" link.
3. It will ask me to choose an option with the arrow keys, so I go to
the "create a table" button and press enter.
4. I press f twice to get to the game Farkle, and press enter.
5. I press b to add a computer player to the table.
6. I press enter to start the game. Up to this point, everything
usually seems to read fine and Orca doesn't miss anything.
7. When I am asked, "Do you wish to play with default options?" I
select yes. At this point, Orca is supposed to say something like the
following, depending on the options selected on the game options
The game starts. You must have at least 50 points to enter, and at
least 35 points to bank. Victory is fixed to 1000 points. It's your

But instead, sometimes I only hear a subset of this, such as:
Victory is fixed to 1000 points. It's your turn.

So it's missing some crucial information.

I would rate this as moderate as I can shift+tab to the history and
move down to the bottom and read it, but in the middle of fast
gameplay this can be difficult.

I don't know enough about how Orca works to provide a lot of detail as
to what's going on under the hood, but from what I'm seeing, it looks
like the foundation of this is definitely working, so it seems to me
that something would only have to be tweeked very slightly, as Orca
can already read things correctly as long as new output doesn't appear
before Orca has a chance to read it.

Other items to take note of include:
1. Orca recognizes this as a web application, as it automatically
enables sticky focus mode, which is definitely a good thing.
2. Others have confirmed that screen readers like VoiceOver on the Mac
don't have this problem, and like I said before I think Orca
technically normally wouldn't have an issue, but with the rate at
which text is appearing it's causing Orca to behave strangely

Thank you very much for your time and I look forward to any input you
may have on this. Also, I wanted to mention too that everything seems
fine in Orca Master with Firefox. I notice some differences, but none
of which impact my ability to browse the web, just small things like
when I press an access key on a page, Orca doesn't say the link I just
clicked, however I knew what the link was anyway.


Brandon Tyson

“Be what you are. This is the first step towards becoming better than you are.”
– J. C. Hare & A. W. Hare

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