Re: [orca-list] Problem with Firefox

I am also seeing this problem, with Orca 3.30.1 and Firefox 62.0.3.  The
problem seems to be YouTube-specific, or at least I haven't seen it happen
on other sites.  Here is how I can reproduce it:

1. Go to YouTube and search for something.
2. When the search results come up, press "3" a few times.  Notice that Orca
speaks the titles of the first few videos in the list.
3. Press Enter.  Expected result: Firefox goes to the last video that was
spoken.  Actual result: Firefox goes to the first video in the list.

It seems like when you press "3", Orca is speaking the next heading, but not
actually switching the focus.  So when you press Enter, the focus is still
on the first video.


Alex ARNAUD-3 wrote
I'm also observing such issues but without to be able to find a concrete 

Le 22/11/2018 à 21:52, Joanmarie Diggs a écrit :
Will take a look. Thanks for the report.

On 11/22/18 4:00 PM, Arkadiusz Kozioł wrote:
I'm using the newest master commit on github, and I have problem. When
I'm trying to navigate on pages by headers, Cursor does not move to

Steps to reproduce:

1. Open Youtube subscriptions in firefox

2. Press h until you hear some movie which appear

3. Press tab

Orca will be on a top of the page.

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